Invent Biotech推出利用離心管柱過濾萃取目標蛋白,為蛋白提取分離帶來了新方案,產品以穩定的品質獲得了世界各國越來越多的科研,藥物開發及臨床診斷機構的肯定。

產品編號       樣品來源 蛋白處理    
  間   (min)
動 物 樣 品
SD-001    SN-002 Total Protein Extraction 動物細胞/組織 Denatured/Native 2-8 1-8
SC-003 Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Fractionation 哺乳類細胞/組織 Native 1-3 6-8
SN-006 Detergent-Free Total Protein Extraction 動物細胞/組織 Denatured/Native 1-4 5-8
SM-005 Total and Plasma Membrane Protein Isolation 哺乳類細胞/組織 Native Detergent/ EDTA -Free 1-3 20-45
MP-007 Mitochondria Isolation 哺乳類細胞/組織 Native Detergent/ EDTA-Free 1-3 25-30
NE-013 Nuclear Envelope Protein Extraction Kit 動物細胞/組織 Native 1-3 45
HP-014 Histone/DNA Binding Protein Extraction Kit 動物細胞/組織 Denatured 1-2.5 <10
AT-022 Total Protein Extraction from Adipose Tissues 脂肪組織/細胞 Native/Denatured 2-3 20 min
AF-023 Adipose Tissue Fractionation 脂肪組織/細胞 Nativetd> 0.5-1 20 min
植 物 樣 品
SD-008    SN-009 Total Protein Extraction 新鮮植物組織 Denatured/Native 2-8 5-8
SN-010 Detergent-Free Plant Protein Extraction 新鮮植物組織 Native 1-5 6-8
CP-011 Intact Plant Chloroplast Isolation 新鮮植物組織            (5-200 mg/sample) Chloroplast (>90%) Intact 1-4 5
MM-018 Plant Microsomal Membrane Extraction Kit 植物組織 Native 2-3 1h
細 菌 酵 母 菌
SB-004 Bacterial Total Protein Extraction 細菌 Denatured 2-3 2-3
YT-015 Total Protein Extraction Kit for Microbes with Thick cell walls 細菌 Denatured/Native 2-5 <10 min
YD-016 Detergent-Free Protein Extraction Kit for Microbes with Thick Cell Walls 細菌 Denatured/Native 2-4 <10 min
YM-017 Yeast Mitochondria Enrichment Kit 酵母菌 Native 2-3 1h
其 他
PN-019 Protein / Nucleic Acid Extraction (from gel slices) PAGE/Agarose gels Denatured/Native NA 10-20 min
HD-021 Protein extraction from hair, nail, wool and horn 角質組織 Denatured 1-2 5 min hand on


公司電話 04-25239639

行動電話 0937-229803
